Edexcel Elizabethan England- Chapter 3- Mindmap
- Created by: Mr_Andrew
- Created on: 11-07-17 09:25
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- Chapter 3: Elizabethan society in the Age of Exploration, 1558-88
- Education
- Nobility
- Grammar Schools
- Discipline
- Craftsman
- Petty Schools
- Girls Schools
- Universities
- Leisure
- Sport
- Participation
- Nobility
- Working People
- Spectating
- Baiting
- ****-fighting
- Participation
- Pastimes
- Literature
- Theatre
- Music & Dancing
- Sport
- Poverty
- Who were they?
- Increasing Poverty
- Changes in the countryside
- Sheep farming
- Enclosure
- Urban Poor
- Attitudes to the Poor
- Impotent and able bodied poor
- Government Action
- Impact of the Poor Laws
- Exploration
- Why explore?
- Trade
- Triangular
- Adventure
- Technology
- Navigation
- Maps
- Trade
- Ship Design
- Larger, stable ships
- Faster more manoeuvrable ships
- Better fire power
- Francis Drake
- Why cirumnavigate the globe?
- Significance of Drake's cirumnavigation
- England as a sea-farming nation
- Nova Albion
- American Colonies
- Anglo-Spanish relations
- Why explore?
- Raleigh and Virginia
- Significance
- Virginia Project
- Raising Funds
- Organising the Virginia Project
- Colonists, sailors & leaders
- Ships and Timing
- Why was colonisation significant?
- Undermining Spain
- Economic Benefits
- Why did colonising Virginia Fail?
- Voyage
- Reality
- Inexperience
- Native resistance
- Roanoke (1587-90)
- Significance
- Education
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