Edexcel Elizabethan England- Chapter 2- Mindmap
- Created by: Mr_Andrew
- Created on: 10-07-17 13:19
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- Chapter 2: Challenges to Elizabeth at home and abroad, 1569-88
- Plots and Revolts
- Revolts of the Northern Earls, 1569
- Causes
- Key Individuals
- Key events
- Significance of the Revolt
- Ridolfi Plot (1571)
- Throckmorton Plot (1583)
- Babington Plot (1986)
- Mary Queen of Scots Execution
- Walsingham's Spies
- Revolts of the Northern Earls, 1569
- Relations with Spain
- Drake
- Drakes Voyage
- Significance of his actions
- Political and religious rivalries
- Pacification of Ghent (1576)
- 1584- Turning Point
- Drake
- Involvement in the Netherlands (1585-88)
- England's direct action (1585)
- Drake 'singeing of the King of Spain's beard' (1587
- Spanish Armada
- Causes
- How did the English win?
- Ship Design
- Spanish Supplies
- Planning and Communications issues
- English Tactics
- The Battle of Gravelines
- Consequences of the victory
- Was Philip to blame?
- Plots and Revolts
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