early developments of the Cold War part 2

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  • Early developments in the Cold War p2
    • Reunification =
      • the US wanted a united capitalist Germany that it could trade with and help prevent spread of communism
      • Bizonia =
        • British and US zones were joint together
        • this area was called Bizonia
        • later the French zone was added to made 'west germany'
        • this was not popular with the USSR as Stalin was not consulted
          • Stalin thought it went against the agreements made at Potsdam
      • Germany was split into 4 parts - for the US, UK, France and USSR
    • Berlin blockade -
      • June 1948
      • USSR closed all road, rail and canal links into West Berlin to force the British, French and US troops to leave their zone
      • USSR blocked all supplies into Berlin to show it had the power to stop a divided Germany working
      • Berlin airlift -
        • West Berlin couldn't last without supplies
        • 26 June '48 - 30 September '49
        • thousands of tonnes of supplies were flown in daily to Berlin
        • relationship further weakened
      • causes -
        • growing tensions between US and USSR over germanys future
        • clash of ideologies
        • Bizonia - broke Potsdam agreements
    • NATO -
      • 1949
      • military alliance
      • US, Britain, Canada, holland, Belgium, France, Denmark, and Norway
      • west Germany joined in 1955
      • if one country was attacked, other countries had to assist
      • the USSR turned to strengthening its control over Eastern Europe ---> Warsaw pact '55
    • The two germanys -
      • federal republic of Germany (FRG) = west Germany
      • German democratic republic (GDR) = east Germany
      • FRG - may 1949
      • GDR - oct 1949
      • why -
        • Yalta and Potsdam meant that Germany was to be divided
        • increasing tensions between western powers and the USSR over germanys future


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