Tort Law: Duty of Care key cases
- Created by: Abisola
- Created on: 29-05-15 12:54
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- Duty of care
- Forseeable claimant
- Palsgraf v Long Island Railroad: firewords
- Bournhill v Young: The pregnant fish wife
- Home office v Dorset Yatch: prison escapees
- Maguire v Harland and Wolf: wife absestos
- Proximity
- Capital & Counties plc v Hampshire: sprinklers off - emergency calls
- Swinney v Chief Constable of Northumbria Police
- Fair, just and reasonable
- MacFarlane v Tayside Health: healthy child
- Hiill v Chef Constable of West Yorkshire
- Osman v UK: Teacher
- Van Colle and Smith:
- X v Bedfordshire
- Z v UK
- D v East Berkshire
- Marc Rich & Co AG v Bishop Rock Marine Co Ltd
- Forseeable claimant