Durkheim's Functionalist Theory
- Created by: Ja11en
- Created on: 08-03-15 12:48
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- Durkheim's functionalist theory
- The Inevitability Of Crime
- Different groups develop their own subculture with distinctive norms and values
- Introduction
- Sees society as based on value consensus
- Sees members of society as sharing common beliefs and goals
- Sharing the same culture produces social solidarity
- Positive functions of crime
- Boundary maintenance
- Crime produces a reaction from society, reinforcing their commitment
- The purpose of punishment is to reaffirm society's shared rules and reinforce social solidarity
- Adaption and change
- All change starts with an act of deviance
- Too much crime threatens to tear the bonds of society apart
- Too little means that society is repressing and controlling its members too much
- Boundary maintenance
- Other functions of crime
- Davis argues that prostitution acts as a safety valve for the realease of mens sexual frustration
- Polsky argues that *********** safely 'channels' sexual desires away from things like adultery
- Cohen states that deviance acts as a warning that an institution isn't functioning properly
- Erikson argues that if crime perform positive function then it means society is organised
- Criticisms
- Offers no way of knowing what is the right amount of crime and deviance
- Just because crime may strengthen society doesn't mean it is why it exists
- Ignores how it might affect different groups or individuals within society
- Crime may lead to people becoming more isolated (fear)
- The Inevitability Of Crime
- Positive functions of crime
- Boundary maintenance
- Crime produces a reaction from society, reinforcing their commitment
- The purpose of punishment is to reaffirm society's shared rules and reinforce social solidarity
- Adaption and change
- All change starts with an act of deviance
- Too much crime threatens to tear the bonds of society apart
- Too little means that society is repressing and controlling its members too much
- Boundary maintenance
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