Drainage Basins
- Created by: HannahG25
- Created on: 04-04-14 22:15
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- Drainage Basins
- A drainage basin is the area of land that is drained by a river
- The part of the hydrological cycle that happens on land happens in drainage basins
- Drainage basins are open systems
- There are inputs of water to the drainage basins
- Water flows through them and is then stored in them
- There are also outputs of the basin
- Inputs- percipitation
- Flows- Surface run off, Channel flow, Infiltration, Throughflow, Groundwater flow and Percolation
- Stores- Channel storage, groundwater storage, Interception storage and Surface storage
- Outputs- Evaporation, Transpiration and river flow into the sea
- Drainage basins are separated by a boundary called a watershed.
- They're ridges of high land
- Features of drainage basins are:
- Tributary is a smaller steam that joins the main river
- The source is where the river starts, usually in higher ground
- A confluence is the point at which two rivers join
- The mouth is where the river flows into the sea or a lake
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