Chracters of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Created by: Sean Simington
- Created on: 14-03-15 11:45
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- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Characters
- Mr. Utterson
- Narrator of the book. Lawyer. All characters confide in him
- Richard Enfield
- Cousin of Mr. Utterson. He is witness to first crime
- Dr. Lanyon
- Former friend and colleague of Dr. Jekyll. Fell out over scientific endeavours
- Dr. Henry Jekyll
- Middle aged doctor, well thought of and wealthy
- Edward Hyde
- Small deformed disgusting man. Devoid of a profession. Pure evil
- Sir Danvers Carew
- Highly respected prominent member of society
- Mr. Guest
- Law office clerk to Mr. Utterson. Discovers the handwriting of Dr.J and Mr H same
- Richard Poole
- Faithful butler to Dr. Jekyll
- Mr. Utterson