wolsey + cromwell fall from power
- Created by: dan
- Created on: 13-05-13 15:27
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- downfall of henry viii ministers
- cromwell
- charged with treason and executed
- (henry later regrets this)
- position weakened by disastrous marriage between henry and ann of cleeves
- boleyn faction, led by the duke of norfolk, was a driving force in the removal of cromwell
- noble who is angered that a commoner became an earl
- cromwell became one of the most dominant in court
- spread rumours that cromwell wanted to introduce radical protestant doctrine
- to gain henry's attention, catherine howard was introduced to him
- henry had become ill and very fickle
- charged with treason and executed
- wolsey
- charged with praemunire (exercise wishes of pope over king)
- removed from government (1529)
- later rearrested (1530)
- king saw delay in his marriage annulment was wolsey's fault
- removed from government (1529)
- anne boleyn faction
- persuaded henry that wolsey was prolonging annulment because catherine was so popular
- nobles
- disliked his status- especially as wolsey came from lowly backgrounds
- henry vii
- frustrated over lack of male heir, needed an annulment
- charged with praemunire (exercise wishes of pope over king)
- cromwell
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