Sociology Documents
- Created by: Iqra
- Created on: 18-12-12 20:28
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- Documents
- Public documents are from governments, schools, welfare agencies, businesses etc.
- Personal documents are first hand experiences from letters, diaries, photo albums or autobio.
- May be only source of information like when studying the past.
- Quick, cheap and provide large amounts of data, which have already been collected.
- Not always possible to gain access to them.
- May not answer sociologists question
- Inter prefer this type of data for its validity.
- Provide valid picture of reality.
- Pos tend to reject them as unreliable and unrepresentative.
- Reliablity
- Pos regard them un reliable and cannot be standard
- May be unrepresent due to soem groups not creating them
- Informed consent varies from from the type of document it is. Public documents need no consent
- Documentsthat have been 'leaked', no consent as been given.
- For private documents, consent is difficult.
- Historical documents require no consent due to those involed being dead.
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