- Created by: emma
- Created on: 09-04-14 15:09
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- Nucleic acid
- Monomer Nucleotide, polymer nucleic acid
- Nucleotide
- Made up of phosphate group, organic base, pentose sugar
- DNA is a type of nucleic acid
- Made up of phosphate group, organic base, deoxyribose sugar
- Many nucleotides link to make a nucleic acid (sugar phosphate link)
- This is a covalent bond and makes the back bone strong and stable
- Structure
- Two parallel nucleotide strands held together by hydrogen bonding
- Between organic bases
- Adenine and Thymine
- Cytosine and Guanine
- To make sure they are parallel a 2 ring base must bond with a 1 ring base
- Two strands fold into a helix
- Between organic bases
- Two parallel nucleotide strands held together by hydrogen bonding
- Triplet code and genes
- Every three bases code for an amino acid (codon)
- A change on base sequences could lead to a non functioning enzyme
- DNA base sequence codes for amino acid sequence
- Chaning hydrogen, ionic and disulphide bonds between R groups
- Leading to a change in tertiary structure/ shape of active site
- Chaning hydrogen, ionic and disulphide bonds between R groups
- DNA base sequence codes for amino acid sequence
- A change on base sequences could lead to a non functioning enzyme
- A gene is the section of DNA that codes for a particular polypeptide
- The different forms of the same gene are alleles
- Every three bases code for an amino acid (codon)
- Non coding DNA
- Dont code for polypeptides
- Within genes there are introns
- Replication
- DNA helicase breaks hydrogen bonds between complementary bases
- strands separate
- Individual DNA nucleotides base pair with exposed bases
- DNA polymerase connects new nucleotides forming sugar phosphate links
- Semi conservative
- DNA polymerase connects new nucleotides forming sugar phosphate links
- Individual DNA nucleotides base pair with exposed bases
- strands separate
- DNA helicase breaks hydrogen bonds between complementary bases
- Experiments
- Hersey and Chase
- radioactive S35 labeled proteins in phages (S found in protein but not DNA)
- No radioactive S was found in next generation of phages
- Radioactive P32 labeled DNA in phages (P found in DNA but not protein)
- No radioactive S was found in next generation of phages
- radioactive S35 labeled proteins in phages (S found in protein but not DNA)
- Griffiths
- Mouse injected with safe strain and survives
- Mouse injected with harmful strain and dies
- Mouse injected with harmful heat killed strain suvrives
- Mouse injected with safe strain and harmful heat strain dies
- Mouse injected with harmful heat killed strain suvrives
- Mouse injected with harmful strain and dies
- Mouse injected with safe strain and survives
- Hersey and Chase
- Nucleic acid
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