Re divorce
- Created by: Imogen
- Created on: 21-04-13 18:42
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- Divorce, Remarriage and relationships
- divorce
- God said 'I hate divorce'
- 'do not commit adultery'
- Jesus said adultery was grounds for divorce
- RC accepts people may divorce which is a legal matter
- However they are still seen as married because it is a sacrament that cannot be undone. To remarry is a sin.
- In some extreme situations the pope may grant annulment
- CofE may say that a divorce is although never encouraged, is sometimes the most loving thing
- 'agape'
- situation ethics
- 'what God has joined let no man seperate
- remarriage
- Jesus said adultery was grounds for divorce
- RC say that if a person remarries they are not allowed to receive the communion
- sexual relationships
- sex must happen as part of a marriage
- 'one flesh'
- 'silver ring thing'
- RC teaches abstinance
- most important part of any relationship is agape (unselfish love)
- main purpose of marriage is to procreate.
- Cohabitation and Fornication
- some churches allow this, others do not.
- sex must happen as part of a marriage
- Contraception
- Imago Dei
- RC only natural methods of contraception are acceptable
- RC anything that prevents sacred life is wrong
- Anglican/CofE say either methods of contraception is fine. It is down to the family on how many children they have
- Sanctity of life
- Imago Dei
- 'the body is a temple of the holy spirit'
- christians believe all life is sacred
- divorce
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