The Theme of Disguise & Deception in "As you Like it"
- Created by: Robyn
- Created on: 11-02-14 12:00
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- Disguise and Deception
- Ganymede/ Aliena
- Ganymede inspires Orlando to reveal the nature of his love
- Aliena = A shepherd. Lower stature than Oliver. Does this show his love for her?
- Rosalind
- Becomes more open/ cheeky as Ganymede
- Becomes a man to save her life
- The Elizabethan idea of masculinity
- Touchstone
- Believes his love for Audrey is more than lust
- He is willing to marry her
- Believes his love for Audrey is more than lust
- The idea of homoerotic attraction
- Phoebe & Ganymede
- Orlando & Ganymede
- "Fair Youth"/ "Pretty Youth"
- Ganymede/ Aliena
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