Disease Dilemmas 1. What are the global patterns of disease and can factors be identified that determine these?
- Created by: DanBish
- Created on: 07-05-22 12:56
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- What are the global patterns of disease and can factors be identified that determine these?
- Diseases can be
classified and their
patterns mapped.
The spread of
diseases is complex
and influenced by a
number of factors
- Patterns of diseases
- Malaria - Nearly half the world lives in areas at risk - 87 countries and territories
- 37.9 million people worldwide living with HIV or AIDS
- The largest number or new TB cases occurred in the WHO South-East Asian Region
- 415 million people world wide, with 1 in 11 of the worlds adult population
- Cardio-vascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of global death - 32% of all deaths in 2019. Over 3/4 CVD deaths take place in low/middle income countries
- Disease diffusion and spread to new areas
- Diffuse is defined as ‘to disperse or be dispersed from a centre; to spread widely, disseminate’
- Barriers
- Physical barriers
- Mountains
- Desert
- Bodies of water - Lake, Sea, Ocean
- Rural periphery
- Remoteness
- Extreme climate
- Political, social + socio-economic boundaries
- Human barriers - travel restrictions, migration control
- Physical barriers
- Patterns of diseases
- There is a
between physical
factors and the
prevalence of
disease which can
change over time
- Global patterns of temperature, precipitation, relief and water sources and
how they affect patterns of disease
- Precipitation leads to stagnant water, so disease vectors thrive
- Many diseases are water borne
- Relief affects global patterns as altitude causes abrupt changes in climate and disease habitat
- Physical factors can influence vectors of disease such as the prevalence of
mosquitoes in warm, humid areas close to water sources.
- Mosquitoes thrive in warm, humid conditions, which in turn favours the outbreak of dengue
- How seasonal variations influence disease outbreaks such as periods of
drought or monsoon rains.
- Many of the vector-borne diseases occur in the tropics and can be seasonal in terms of when the rainy seasons occurs.
- In the tropics and sub-tropics, vector-borne diseases, transmitted by mosquitoes, flies, ticks, fleas and wormers, often reach a peak during the rainy season
- Climate change provides the conditions for emerging infectious diseases to spread
to new places and new hosts such as West Nile virus, tsetse fly and tick seasons
- Climate change increases the risk of human exposure to West Nile Virus
- Increase in temperature has been shown to kill more than 50% of tsetse pupae
- The conditions for zoonotic infectious diseases such as bird flu or rabies to establish
and spread from animals to humans.
- Zoonotic diseases, spread from animals to humans by viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi, are very common
- Dogs, bats, foxes, raccoons and other mammals transmit rabies
- Urbanisation creates suitable habitats for animals such as foxes, raccoons and skunks
- If hygiene & sanitation are poor; drinking water is contaminated by animal faeces, blood and saliva; man-made habitats (ponds) encourage insect vectors to breed
- Global patterns of temperature, precipitation, relief and water sources and
how they affect patterns of disease
- Diseases can be
classified and their
patterns mapped.
The spread of
diseases is complex
and influenced by a
number of factors
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