Direct Object Pronouns
- Created by: QueenAelin
- Created on: 09-09-18 19:16
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- Direct Object Pronouns
- Direct objects are things that are directly acted upon by a verb
- In the sentence "Ben threw the ball", the ball is the direct object
- Direct object pronouns can be used to refer to a direct object
- Direct object pronouns:
- "me" - me
- "te" - you
- "le" - him
- "la" - her
- "nous" - us
- "vous" - you (plural or formal singular)
- "les" - them
- Direct object pronouns come before their verbs
- "L'enfant me voit" - The child sees me
- "Le lion le mange" - The lion eats it
- The direct object pronouns me, te, le, and la elide
- "Elle m'attend" - She is waiting for me
- Le and les can't contract when they're object pronouns
- For example, you can't use the contraction "du"
- Direct objects are things that are directly acted upon by a verb
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