Digging Poem mindmap Heaney
- Created by: zed124
- Created on: 08-05-18 09:30
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- Digging
- lexis
- field-specific lexis
- "spade"
- Suggests the persona stayed on a farm,
- could suggest that Heaney had the knowledge to follow in his father's footsteps but not the passion
- "Nicking and slicing"
- "Turf"
- "Toner's bog"
- Suggests the persona stayed on a farm,
- "Nicking and slicing"
- "Toner's bog"
- "Turf"
- "spade"
- colloquial idioms
- "Old man"
- Proper noun,
- connotations with affection and love - emotive
- Proper noun,
- "grandfather"
- common noun - but should be a proper noun
- suggests less affection and perhaps respect for his Grandfather
- common noun - but should be a proper noun
- "men like them"
- third person pronouns
- used to distance and detatch Heaney from his family
- third person pronouns
- "Old man"
- field-specific lexis
- Discourse
- seven uneven stanzas
- half rhyme scheme
- conflict in emotions
- seven uneven stanzas
- conflict in emotions
- Retrospective
- "digging"
- middle stanzas
- "digging"
- contemporary
- "dig"
- "rests"
- 1st and last stanza
- "dig"
- 1st and last stanza
- Grammar
- possessive 1st person pronouns
- "my finger and my thumb"
- caesura
- "Under my window, a clean rasping sound"
- monosyllabic declarative sentences
- "Digging."
- Enjambement
- "My grandfather cut more turf in a day..."
- possessive 1st person pronouns
- Semantics
- Semantic field of agriculture
- "digging"
- suggests he has knowledge of this
- "spade"
- "Nicking"
- "digging"
- "Digging"
- "old man"
- linking to his father's old age and deteriorating health
- Semantic field of agriculture
- Pragmatics
- "Digging"
- figurative meaning is digging into his memories
- "snug as a gun"
- simile
- the noun "gun" links to writing being like a weapon
- the replacement of "gun" to "dig" suggets a change in attitude and poetic voice
- this shift means he wants to "dig" into his past through his writing and use it as a tool to connet with his father and family not as a point of comparison
- simile
- "Digging"
- Poetic Voice
- Phonology
- onomatopeia
- "squelch"
- "slicing"
- Silibance
- "squelch"
- creates sinister connatations
- used to express the persona's feeling of pain in relation to agriculture
- Silibance
- "gravelly ground"
- alliteration
- negative imagery
- used to express the persona's feeling of pain in relation to agriculture
- negative imagery
- alliteration
- "rasping"
- "spade sinks"
- alliteration
- negative imagery
- negative imagery
- alliteration
- "soggy"
- Silibance
- creates sinister connatations
- creates sinister connatations
- Silibance
- onomatopeia
- lexis
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