diet mindmap

  • Created by: hazzablue
  • Created on: 14-01-14 12:04
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  • Diet
    • carbohydrates
      • Primary source of energy, come in two forms.
        • starchy
          • potatoes
          • rice
          • pasta
        • sugary
          • fruits
          • biscuits
          • sweets
    • protein
      • used for growth and repair
        • meats
        • fish
        • poultry
    • fats
      • secondary source of energy, used as store of energy.
        • unsaturated
          • margarine
          • cream
        • saturated
          • butter
          • cream
          • chocolate
    • water
      • no nutritional value, but essential for survival
      • make up 70% of body weight
    • fibre
      • adds bulk to food and aids with easy digestion
        • sweetcorn
        • bran flakes
        • broccoli
    • vitamins
      • needed to strengthen bones, gums, help you see etc.
        • vitamin c, in orange juice
        • vitamin D from the sun
    • minerals
      • needed to strengthen bones, gums, help you see etc.
        • calcium
        • iron
    • Carbo loading
      • takes place 2-3 days before a race or match
      • done to make store of glycogen in the muscles as full as possible.
      • takes place in the form of pasta parties.
    • unhealthy diets
      • anorexia nervosa
        • mental illness
        • person becomes critically thin
        • the person has a distorted image of themselves
      • obesity
        • person becomes dangerously overweight.
        • causes problems such as:
          • heart disease
          • pressure on joints
          • weakened bones
        • the amount of fat on their body has adverse effects on their health.


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