Diet and Nutrition
- Created by: Zehra Soyer
- Created on: 16-02-17 18:20
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- Diet and Nutrition
- Energy balance
- Food intake
- Basals metabolic rate, physical activity. thermic afect
- Negative- burning more than intake
- Posisitve-intake more than burnt
- Equal-both the same
- Impact of a poor diet
- long term CV dieases
- Angina
- Varicose veins
- Arterosclerosis
- Atherosclerosis
- Hypertension
- Stroke
- Poor temp. regulation
- Overload of joints
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Cancer
- Psychological problems
- long term CV dieases
- Improving Body composting
- Balanced diet
- Consideration of energy balance
- Weight control programme
- Food Classifications
- Fats
- Insulation
- Carry vitamins
- Cushioning
- Saturated, unsaturated
- Carbohydrates
- Energy source
- Stored as glycogen
- 2 hours
- Carbon, Hydrgoen an doxygen
- Proteins
- Essntial, non-essental
- Amino acids
- Growth and repair
- water
- Sweat
- Hydration
- Regulates temperature
- Minerlas
- Cant be stored
- Calcium,magnesium
- Metals
- Vitamins
- A,,K,D = fat soluble
- B helps nervous system
- C helps immune system
- Fibre
- Digestive process
- Buking agent
- Prevents contipation
- Fats
- Weight(kg) Height(M)2
- Skin fold callipers
- Pinches skin, triceps, biceps, etc
- Bio-electrical impedance spectroscopy
- Hydrostatic weighing
- Submerged in water, and weighed
- Energy balance
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