- Created by: LoL221
- Created on: 28-04-20 14:33
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- Development
- Key Terms
- GDP=Gross Domestic Product A measure of total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year.
- HDI=Human Dev Index life expectancy, education and gross national income per capita.
- Literacy rate - is the percentage of adults who can read and write.
- Birth Rate=Number of live births per 1,000 of the population per year
- Death Rate=Number of deaths per 1,000 of the population per year
- Factors that effect development.
- Climate
- Natural hazards
- Landlocked countries
- Natural resources
- Historical development (colonisation)
- Political factors. Poor governance EDcs have to compete with each other to win the trade. some countries are in debt to more powerful countries
- Economic factors
- Social education,healthcare
- Untitled
- Uneven development
- environmental - polluted drinking water and a lack of sanitation
- social - poor housing conditions and crime
- economic low wages or unemploymen
- Causes
- political goals
- wars
- famine
- natural disasters
- tax avoidance
- Malawi
- It is located in south east africa. The nearest sea in the indian ocean. Boredered by Tanzania and Mozambique
- The economy of Malawi is predominantly agricultural, with about 90% of the population living in rural areas.
- High rates of infant mortality but high birth rates. Low life expectancy. No access to proper healthcare.
- Malawi was colonised by the British therefore meaning that much of their resources were not used to their own benefit
- Droughts and famine hit the country in 2000 stunting its economic growth
- half of the population currently living below the poverty line.
- Uneven dev in the uk
- lowest living conditions tend to be in more rural areas such as north scotland
- areas once important for heavy industry which has declined
- Impacts if uneven dev
- access to inadequate housing
- health problems in region
- education standard low
- not enough empltymeng
- no food and water security
- not advanced technlogy
- Key Terms
- Happiness Index= development philosophy as well as an index which is used to measure the collective happiness in a nation.
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