- Created by: Codrin Chitu
- Created on: 21-04-20 09:40
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- development
- methods of measuring development
- the measure of the quality of life and goods
- measures the value of good a county makes and divides it by the country's population
- corruption perception index
- ranks countries "by their perceived levels of public sector corruption
- what is development
- development refers to the standard of living and its quality of life for its population
- factors that affect development
- social factors
- Socially factors are things that affect someone's lifestyle
- political factors
- Political factors relate to how the government intervenes in the economy.
- economic factors
- Economic Factors are the factors that affect the economy and include interest rates, tax rates, law, policies, wages, and governmental activities
- technological factors
- Technological factors are variables that are being used for evaluating available alternatives with respect to technological capabilities
- physiological factors
- Physiological factors are things related to your physical body that affect your thinking
- physical factors
- Physical factors refer to fitness, skills and tactics. Fitness covers agility, CRE, flexibility and power.
- social factors
- uneven development
- north south divide
- North–South divide refers to the cultural, economic, and social differences between: Southern England: the South-East and South-West, including Greater London and the East of England.
- the most developed countries are in north america and Europe. the lowest developed countries are primarily located in Africa.
- causes of uneven development
- corruption
- geology
- poverty
- Malawi
- Malawi, a landlocked country in southeastern Africa, is defined by its topography of highlands split by the Great Rift Valley and enormous Lake Malawi. The lake’s southern end falls within Lake Malawi National Park
- Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world with 50.7 percent of the population living below the poverty line and 25 percent living in extreme poverty. ... Out of the total rural population, 57.0 percent is poor compared to 17.0 percent of the urban population.
- north south divide
- methods of measuring development
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