- Created by: mrahman
- Created on: 27-10-15 11:15
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- Determinism
- Hard Determinism
- the theory that all events including human actions and behaviours are causally determined thus we are not morally responsible for them
- based on causality
- Philosophers have argued moral choices are just illusions
- John Locke, man wakes up in a locked room and decides to stay there. Thinks he is free because he doesn't know the real reason why he has to stay in that room
- Spinoza thought we are ignorant of the real causes of our actions
- “In the mind there is no absolute or free will; but the mind is determined to will this or that by a cause, which has been determined by another cause, and this last by another cause, and so on until infinity."
- Moral responsibility
- if our actions are determined we can't be held accountable for them
- makes no sense to punish criminals or expect people to behave certain way
- Soft Determinism
- the theory that all events are determined by causality but humans are still free as long we define freedom as the ability to act according to one's nature
- Free actions then is caused by internal causes
- Actions that are not free is caused by external causes
- Compatibilist view
- regards common definition of free will as a mistake
- Moral Responsibility
- can hold people accountable
- as long as their action was free from external causes and in accord with their wishes, desires and character
- can hold people accountable
- the theory that all events are determined by causality but humans are still free as long we define freedom as the ability to act according to one's nature
- The Principle of Causality
- a scientific observation
- idea that everything in the universe has a cause
- all events are determined by prior causes
- Hard Determinism
- the theory that all events including human actions and behaviours are causally determined thus we are not morally responsible for them
- based on causality
- Philosophers have argued moral choices are just illusions
- John Locke, man wakes up in a locked room and decides to stay there. Thinks he is free because he doesn't know the real reason why he has to stay in that room
- Spinoza thought we are ignorant of the real causes of our actions
- “In the mind there is no absolute or free will; but the mind is determined to will this or that by a cause, which has been determined by another cause, and this last by another cause, and so on until infinity."
- Moral responsibility
- if our actions are determined we can't be held accountable for them
- makes no sense to punish criminals or expect people to behave certain way
- Soft Determinism
- the theory that all events are determined by causality but humans are still free as long we define freedom as the ability to act according to one's nature
- Free actions then is caused by internal causes
- Actions that are not free is caused by external causes
- Compatibilist view
- regards common definition of free will as a mistake
- Moral Responsibility
- can hold people accountable
- as long as their action was free from external causes and in accord with their wishes, desires and character
- can hold people accountable
- the theory that all events are determined by causality but humans are still free as long we define freedom as the ability to act according to one's nature
- 2 types of Causes
- Internal- lead to voluntary actions that is accordance with one's desires and wishes
- External- lead to involuntary actions under compulsions from outside forces, contrary to one's desire and wishes
- Internal- lead to voluntary actions that is accordance with one's desires and wishes
- Hard Determinism
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