Deprivation Case Studies
- Created by: SammoG
- Created on: 06-02-15 15:15
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- Deprivation Case Studies
- Swansea
- Outer city suffers from service deprivation
- Town hill ward is more deprived than castle due to higher population
- Deprivation decreases from inner city to outer suburbs
- Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation data (WIMD)
- Human Poverty Index
- Probability of not living to 60
- People lacking functional reading skills
- Long-term Unemployment
- Population over 50% median income
- HPI- Made by the UN to give an indication of the standard of living in a country
- China
- 67.8% live on less than $5 a day
- 1981= 85% poverty rate 2008=33.1% poverty rate
- Poverty rate = Under $1.25 a day
- Economic reform in the 1970's
- Growing economy- 15 years 1990-2005 averaged per capita growth of 8.7%
- Massive development gap between rural and urban communities
- Child Poverty
- Children and Families (Wales) measure 2010- First piece of legislation in the UK specific to child poverty
- Reduce the number of families living in workless households
- Looks to improve the skill of parents, carers and young people so they can secure well paid employment
- Reduce inequalities which exist in the health, education and economic outcomes of children and families
- 31% of children in Wales are living in poverty (Household Below Average Income Data)
- Worldwide economic unsustainability caused the scheme to not be as effective as first thought
- Apprenticeship completion increased from 54% in 2007 to 80% in 2010
- Indices Of Deprivation
- 2004/7
- Used on small area level
- Created by the British Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
- 2010
- 5 million people in england lived in deprived areas (38% income deprived
- Most deprived area was Jaywick on the Essex coast
- Compared to the 2007 data to show changes in deprivation
- 7 Dimensions
- Income
- Employment
- Health and Disability
- Education, Skills and Training
- Barriers to housing and services
- Living Environment
- Crime
- 2004/7
- Swansea
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