Delegated Legislation
- Created by: Shannon Cunningham
- Created on: 12-05-14 08:55
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- Delegated Legislation
- Defintion
- DL is a law made by some person or body other than Parliament
- Parliament has delegated the authority to make law to 3 main bodies
- The authority of making a DL is given by Parliament through a statute know as a Parent or Enabling act.
- Bye-Laws
- These are made by the local authorites
- They can be made by local authorities to cover matters in their own area
- They can be made by certain companies. E.G. Mersey rail.
- Statutory Instruments
- Made by Government ministers
- given the authority to make regulations in their particular area
- E.G. Minister for Transport Act.
- Orders in Council
- These are made by the Queen and Privy council.
- Privy council is made up of the prime minister and other leading members of the Government.
- These allow the government to make laws without going through Parliament
- They are used for making a law in an emergency and also used to transfer power between the government.
- E.G. Emergency powers Act.
- These are made by the Queen and Privy council.
- Defintion
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