Deindustrialisation in Leicester
- Created by: beebsbubbly
- Created on: 17-05-21 19:27
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- Leicester: A case study in deindustrialisa-tion
- History
- Second richest city in Europe in 1936 due to textile trade
- Many Indian and Pakistani families mover there to work in textile factories
- 30,000 people were employed in the textile mills in the 1920s
- Known for producing textiles, hosiery and footwear
- In the 1960s, one factory supplying to M&S employed over 6.500 workers
- Deindustrialis-ation
- Textile production moved to Asia during the 1970s
- Factories were closed and abandoned
- Lots of land has been damaged from the industry
- It is cheaper to manufacture clothes in Asia
- Impacts
- Land has been contaminated and is potentially dangerous due to the previous industry
- Large population decline during the 1970s and 80s due to unemployme-nt
- Cheap housing attracted low income groups, creating deprivation
- Areas of deprivation are found in wards where there was previously manufacturing and that have large ethnic minority populations
- Leicester is in the 20% most deprived districts and unitary authorities in England
- About 29% of children live in low income families
- Life expectancy for men and women is below the England average
- Levels of teenage pregnancy and GCSE attainment are worse than the England average
- Many inner-city areas have gained reputations for crime although rates have dropped since 2000 due to regeneration and gentrification
- History
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