Defining crime and deviance
- Created by: Rachellowe
- Created on: 08-04-18 14:12
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- Defining crime and deviance
- Crime is behaviour which breaks laws an is punished by the legal sytem
- Most crime is deviant but not all deviance is criminal.
- Deviance is behaviour which goes against the norms and values of a social group.
- Most crime is deviant but not all deviance is criminal.
- Deviance is behaviour which goes against the norms and values of a social group.
- Social construct
- Foucault - deviance is relative, it changes depending on time and place.
- Deviance is culturally determined.
- Plummer:
- Situational deviance - acts which can be defined as deviant or normal depending on the circumstance.
- i.e. being naked in your own home is fine but not in public
- Society deviance - acts which are seen as deviant by most of society in most situations.
- I.e. swearing at an authority figure or kicking a dog.
- Situational deviance - acts which can be defined as deviant or normal depending on the circumstance.
- Social order
- social order and social control create a consensus for how to behave
- Some norms become second nature
- Other norms we are consciously aware of
- Untitled
- Crime is behaviour which breaks laws an is punished by the legal sytem
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