1. Defining Crime and Deviance
- Created by: StudentLauren
- Created on: 21-02-16 16:31
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- Defining Crime and Deviance
- Definitions of crime and deviance
- Crime: any behaviour that breaks the criminal law of society
- Deviance: any behaviour which breaks the norms of society
- Two forms of deviance
- Legal Deviance: breaking social norms of society but not breaking the law
- Illegal Deviance: behaviour which breaks norms that have been written as laws
- Being deviant depends on:
- Time: norms and laws change over time so what is seen as deviant changes over time
- Culture: different societies have different norms and values
- Position or social role of the person carrying out the act
- Who defines deviance?
- it is defined by society. societies reaction decides whether something is criminal or deviant (social construct)
- Social Control: how society is stable and ordered
- Informal social control: positive and negative sanctions. carried out through agencies such as families
- Formal Social control: deals with illegal deviance
- Definitions of crime and deviance
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