Death and the afterlife OCR Theology
- Created by: SerenM
- Created on: 11-01-18 12:11
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- Death and the Afterlife
- Heaven
- no more suffering, no pain and no death - sin removed
- the faithful go to heaven after death
- diff dimension to this world
- bernard williams - Is an eternity in heaven desirable??
- Hell
- when a person is seperated from God for eternity
- place of eternal pain and punishment
- hell is seen as being below the physical world
- how can hell be compatible with an omnibenevolent God
- David Hume - Hell calls Gods justice into question - a finite sin can never deserve an infinite sin
- Purgatory
- catholic teaching
- forgiveness is also possible after death
- a state where the soul is purged - made clean/ purified
- either described as a place of pain or as a metaphor for the souls greater awareness of the consequences of sin
- self-inflicted pain
- protestants reject
- Election
- limited election
- only a few christians will be saved
- unlimited election
- all people are called to salvation but not all are saved
- universalist belief
- all people will be saved
- limited election
- Heaven hell + purgatory are PLACES where people go after death and experience either happinness, punishment or purification
- They're not places they are SPIRITUAL STATES that a person experiences on their spiritual journey after death
- They're symbols of a persons SPIRITUAL and MORAL LIFE on earth and not places or states after death
- Heaven
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