Dealing With Offending Behaviour: Custodial Sentencing
- Created by: Bethany Cooling
- Created on: 01-06-18 12:35
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- Dealing With Offending Behaviour: Custodial Sentencing
- Aims of custodial sentencing
- Deterrence
- Unpleasant experience of prison is designed to put the individual off of repeating the same crime
- Individual deterrence
- Send a broad message to members of society that crime will not be tolerated
- General deterrence
- Based on the conditioning principles of punishment
- Unpleasant experience of prison is designed to put the individual off of repeating the same crime
- Incapacitation
- Protect the public by removing criminals
- Need depends on the severity of the crime
- E.g. serial murderers are more dangerous than council tax evaders
- Retribution
- Society getting revenge fro the crime by making the offender suffer
- Level of suffering is relevant to the level of the crime
- Prison is the best option of revenge
- Society getting revenge fro the crime by making the offender suffer
- Rehabilitation
- The offender learns new attitudes and values and stops being a criminal
- The offender should be ready to take their place in society upon release
- Prison should provide an opportunity to develop skills and access treatments for addiction and reflect on their crime
- Deterrence
- Psychological effects of custodial sentencing
- Prison can lead to;
- Stress and depression
- Suicide rates and self-harm incidents are higher in prison than the general population
- Institutionalisation
- No longer being able to function outside of the prison setting - adapted to norms of the prison
- Prisonisation
- Behaviours that are unacceptable outside of prison are encouraged inside the prison
- Stress and depression
- Prison can lead to;
- Recidivism
- 57% of UK offenders reoffend within a year
- Vary according to the type of offence committed
- UK and US rates are the highest in the world
- Norway - much lower rates - higher emphasis on rehabilitation
- Soft punishment - not severe enough
- Norway - much lower rates - higher emphasis on rehabilitation
- 57% of UK offenders reoffend within a year
- Aims of custodial sentencing
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