- Created by: Chinese gay kid k
- Created on: 19-11-15 15:45
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- Biodiversity
- Biodiversity importance
- more fertile soil
- reduces likelihood of extinction
- medical purposes
- provides money/export
- variety of food
- Biodiversity features
- Ecosystem
- the number of ecosystems within an area e.g forest, deserts, wetlands
- Genetic
- the range of species found within a particular area e.g humans have high genetic diversity
- Species
- The number of species in a area and their abundance e.g Amazon has high species diversity
- Ecosystem
- Biodiversity influences
- endemic species
- species that are unique to a place
- location
- Isolation
- remote islands cause endemism
- species develop diversity
- Isolation
- invasive species
- when a new species is introduced to a place
- Climate
- percipitation
- weather is seasonal
- temperature
- plants begin there growth above 6 degrees
- photosynthesis begins at above 10 degrees
- plants begin to suffer at 36 degrees
- light intensity
- tropical rainforest receive most incoming radiation thus have highier enrgy inputs
- percipitation
- endemic species
- Biodiversity importance
- Biodiversity features
- Ecosystem
- the number of ecosystems within an area e.g forest, deserts, wetlands
- Genetic
- the range of species found within a particular area e.g humans have high genetic diversity
- Species
- The number of species in a area and their abundance e.g Amazon has high species diversity
- Ecosystem
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