Culture and Identity
- Created by: emilymaedarby
- Created on: 12-05-17 20:29
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- Culture and Identity
- Class
- Goffman: Master status and Stigmatised identity
- High and Low Culture
- Social construction
- Family - ascribed status
- Class conflict
- Disability
- SHAKESPEARE: social construction
- Stigma
- Expectations/stereotypes
- Under-represented in media
- Globalisation/ leisure
- Postmodern perspective
- MARXISM: Leisure controlled by ruling class: capitalism
- Bauman: consumer relations onto relationships-divorce
- Bauman: consumerism cannot change all identities: repressed consumers i.e lower class cannot access this
- Male Gaze: female oppression and objectifying in media especially in consumer culture with advertising for beauty
- Age
- Stigmatised identity - Master status
- Age of socialisation, age of child-bearing- age of independence - Lasslet
- Stereotypes/expectations
- Ageing population - ideas of age changing
- Social construction - i.e 'middle ages'
- Less important identity - changes always.
- Nationality
- Replaced religion
- Civil religion
- In decline due to multi-ethnic, and mainstream USA culture
- Symbols like flags
- Can be socialised - education (shakespeare), media (Queens speech)
- Ethnicity
- Ethnocentric
- Hall: Diaspora
- Black skin, white masks: black people adopt white mainstream culture due to racism Fannon
- Sewell: Black masculinities:media socialise black-caribbean boys in macho, homophobic identities
- Sexuality
- Was illegal in Uk
- Change in law; GAY MARRIAGE
- Attitudes change amongst different cultures
- Family, religion and media socialisation surround stigma towards homosexuals
- Media presentation based on stereoypes
- Discrimination/ homophobic
- Was illegal in Uk
- Class
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