Cultural Games
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?- Created by: BenjaminMullins
- Created on: 23-05-15 17:27
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- Cultural games
- The highland games, scotland: Tossing the caber
- There are over 50 different Highland games meetings throughout the year, with royal Braemar being the most famous.
- Highland games are celebrations of Scottish and Celtic culture and heritage and include bagpipes, kilts, pipes, drums and traditional dancing.
- The Highland games are grand social occasions as well as being displays of athleticism in keeping with the needs of hardy lifestyle in remote and sometimes severe conditions.
- Royal shrovetide football - ashbourne, derbyshire
- The annual mob game has survived since medieval times despite several attempts to abolish it.
- It starts with the singing of the national anthem and is followed by a battle between the Up'ards and the Down'ards centred on the river Henmore.
- The game has few rules, any number of players and mill wheels form the goals that are three miles apart, only rarely is a goal scored.
- Haxey hood game, Lincolnshire
- This is a rugby type game, where a leather tube is slowly walked by a large unorganised scrum to one of four local pubs, where it stays until the following year's game.
- It takes place on Twelfth night as according to legend it was on Twelfth night that the wife of Sir John de Mowbray was riding on horseback across the fields near Haxey when her sillk riding hood was blown away by the wind.
- Hurling the silver ball - st columb major, st columb minor and st ives, cornwall
- Take a silver ball weighing 1/2kg, a vast playing area, teams of up to 500 a side, few rules, two goals with no keepers, referees.
- Shops barricade their windows for protection and an entire community and you have this ancient Pagan shrove tuesday game.
- It is extremely rough and involves rugby-type tackling,with throwing rather than kicking of the ball is thrown to the two teams of 'townsmen' and 'countrymen'.
- Cheese rolling - cooper's hill, Gloucestershire
- This annual event takes place on the spring bank holiday and is now a major attraction for spectators, media, and medics who deal with the injuries.
- Competitors hurl themselves down the steep hill in pursuit of a massive Gloust cheese.
- Tar barrel burning - uttery St Mary, devon
- This annual event takes place on 5th november and involves racing through the streets with flaming wooden barrels of burning tar.
- The event probably began as a pagan ritual to cleanse the streets of evil spirits.
- The highland games, scotland: Tossing the caber