Cultural Variations in Attachment
- Created by: Datman 1331
- Created on: 24-04-20 09:29
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- Cultural Variations in Attachment
- Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg (1988)
- looked at the proportions of types of attachment across a range of countries
- Also looked at differences within a country
- 32 studies on the strange situation were meta analysed
- 8 countries were used
- Findings
- in all countries secure attachment was the most common
- ranged from 75%-50%
- Insecure-resistant was the least common
- ranged from 3%-30%
- Insecure-avoidant was more common in Germany and least common in Japan
- in all countries secure attachment was the most common
- looked at the proportions of types of attachment across a range of countries
- Simonella et al (2014)
- see if proportions of types of attachment are the same
- conducted the strange situation in Italy
- found 50% were secure & 36% avoidant
- -different from what it was
- suggests this is because more mothers are working long hours and use professional healthcare
- cultural changes affect proportions on types of attachment
- Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg (1988)
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