crowded coasts
- Created by: Emily BIrch
- Created on: 03-05-13 19:39
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- crowded coasts
- benidorm rapid growth
- spain
- 4 million visitors annually
- local economy base of tuna fishing and wine production
- packages holidays solution to economic decline
- new hotels built
- 70,000 residental population
- blue-flag beaches
- buiilt theme parks , nightlife and water sports
- ainsdale dunes, coastal environment
- merseyside
- important for wildlife , conservation and scientific purposes
- 7km2 of dunes under threat
- non-native species such as grasses , poplar and pine are invading landward edge on area
- visitors result in trampling
- ecosystem management
- scrub cutting using bulldozers to remove plants and trees
- flail mowers control growth of weeping willow
- grazing to control overgrowing
- excavating dune slacks to increase access to water in drought conditions
- sand management
- visitor management
- zoned system of closed area, permit sections and sites open to public to encourage people to stay on beaches
- facilites to provide help and education e.g parking spaces boardwalks fencing waymarked trials information boards and a warden service
- coastal retreat of holderness
- storm waves
- longshore drift
- soft glacial clay
- 1.2 meters a year
- climate change accelerating erosion
- low lying land around the river humber
- increased risk of coastal flooding
- benidorm rapid growth
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