Criticisms of the Marxist theory of crime
- Created by: Rachellowe
- Created on: 08-04-18 17:28
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- Criticisms of Marxist theory of Crime
- Other effects of crime
- Feminists say Marxism ignores the role of patriarchy in social control
- Left realists say Marxism focuses too much on corporate crime
- Left realists dispute the idea that WC crimes such as burglary dont cause much harm .
- Victims are often WC also.
- Critical criminology
- Argues that criminals choose to break the law
- Fully social theory of deviance
- deviance needs tp be explained from different viewpoints .
- Needs to consider how society is organised and how and why individuals choose to be deviant.
- Hall Et Al - black muggings ad a moral panic.
- Social, economic political = the country was in economic crisis
- State motivation = the gov wanted to feel in control
- Media motivation = wanted a dramatic story.
- The police arrested more people and the media reported this and presented the muggers as a threat to society
- Other effects of crime
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