A Streetcar Named Desire Critical Reviews
- Created by: Kittus
- Created on: 28-10-19 15:54
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- Critical Response - A Streetcar Named Desire
- Blanche
- Nicola Onyett
- "Blanche has become a social outcast because she refuses to conform to conventional moral values. In cruelly unveiling the truth about her scandalous past, Stanley strips her of her psychological, sexual and cultural identity"
- Eliza Kazan
- "Blanche is dangerous, she is destructive"
- Gilbert & Gubar
- "Blanche is the complete opposite of Kowalski. She is an ageing beauty; cultured, alone, stripped of her money"
- Samuel Tapp
- "Blanche DuBois is a victim of the mythology of the Southern Bell"
- Harold Clurman
- "Blanche is a delicate and sensitive woman pushed to insanity by a brutish environment presided over by chief ape man Kowalski"
- Nicola Onyett
- Stella
- J. M. McGlinn
- "Stella ignores the needs of others and eventually adopts her own illusion. Life with Stanley is her highest value. Her refusal to accept Blanche's story of the **** is a commitment to self preservation rather than love
- J. M. McGlinn
- Stanley With Blanche
- Foster Kirsch
- Blanche and Stanley "Solid Match"
- Kirsch see's Williams' view of B and Stn as ambivalent. He views them "locked in a deadly sex battle" but as a "solid match"
- Kathleen Lart
- Stn seen as an agent of B's destruction
- W.J. Cash
- "In the case of Blanche and Stanley, she incited the outrage, he needed the victory. Both have their share of guilt"
- Robert Brustein
- "The conflict between Blanche and Stanley allegorises the struggle between effeminate culture and masculine libido"
- Foster Kirsch
- Stanley
- Arthur Miller
- "Stanley is a sexual terrorist, a tiger on the loose"
- Koprince
- "Stanley believes in male superiority"
- Nicola Onyett
- "Stanley [cruelly] strips her of her psychological, sexual and cultural identity"
- Alvin B Kernan
- "Stanley is a realist who trusts only his own senses"
- Arthur Miller
- Blanche
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