Costs of Developing Fossil Fuels
- Created by: Rose356
- Created on: 10-06-19 16:23
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- Costs of Developing Fossil Fuels
- Ichthys LNG Project, NW Australia
- One of the biggest off-shore gas fields, 260m below water
- Produces 10 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) per day for the demand in Asia
- 900 jobs were created in the construction of the pipeline
- Shale Gas, Tarankai, NZ
- 48 hydraulic fracturing activities
- Environment concerns are is the risk of water pollution and the possibility of seismic activity
- The gas is trapped underground in shale rock
- As shale is impermeable, the gas can't be drilled and then pumped out, so fracking has to be used
- Ichthys LNG Project, NW Australia
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