Cosmological Argument
- Created by: Amy
- Created on: 03-04-13 14:01
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- Cosmological Argument
- Background
- Aristotle and the Prime Mover
- God of Classical Theism who has necessary existence
- Aquinas' Cosmological Aegument
- 1st Way= Motion
- 2nd Way= Cause
- 3rd Way= Contingency
- Challenges to the cosmological argument
- David Hume denying Humans make mistake of making connections between cause and effect
- Immanuel Kant- we haven't experienced the beginning of the universe
- Bertrand Russell the fallacy of Composition
- Scientific Theories
- Anthony Kenny denying 1st Way
- Countered by others saying 1st cause was also about change
- The Big Bang theory denying 2nd Way if the big bang was accepted as random occurance
- Can be countered if believed the big bang has a cause
- The steady State theory denying 3rd Way the universe is eternal and no beginning of the universe
- Anthony Kenny denying 1st Way
- The Kalam Cosmological Argument
- William Lane Craig
- support for the Cosmological Argument
- Value for religious Faith
- Fideism
- Cosmological Argument provides a natural theology
- Background
- Aquinas' Cosmological Aegument
- 1st Way= Motion
- 2nd Way= Cause
- 3rd Way= Contingency
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