Cosmological Argument

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  • Cosmological Argument
    • Cosmos
      • Universe is a holistic and ordered entity
      • A posteriori argument based on order in the universe
    • Thomas Aquinas
      • Christian Monk
      • 5 ways of proving gods existence
        • First three concern cosmological argument
          • Argument from cause
          • Argument from motion
            • Kalam Argment
            • "You cannot step in the same river twice"
              • Heraclitus
          • Argument from contingency
            • God is a necessity
          • Can't have infinite regression
            • Logical to assume things cannot bring themselves into existence
      • 1225-1274
    • Frederick Copleston
      • Everything is contingent
        • There must be a cause for this
          • The cause must be necessary(not dependent)
            • This necessary being is God
          • "The concept of cause is not applicable to the total."
      • Bertrand Russell
        • 1947 Radio 4 debate
          • Frederick Copleston
            • Everything is contingent
              • There must be a cause for this
                • The cause must be necessary(not dependent)
                  • This necessary being is God
                • "The concept of cause is not applicable to the total."
            • Bertrand Russell
              • 1947 Radio 4 debate
                • "The universe is just there, that is all."
              • "If one refuses to sit on a chessboard and make a move, then one, of course, cannot be checkmated."
          • "The universe is just there, that is all."
        • "If one refuses to sit on a chessboard and make a move, then one, of course, cannot be checkmated."
      • Criticisms
        • Hume
          • Too illogical a jump to say that everything in the world is caused, the universe has a cause
            • Just because every human has a mother it does not mean the universe does
            • Beyond human experience too know of God's nature
              • How are we ever to prove the existence of an unknowable, existentially different being


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