- Created by: Carolyn
- Created on: 20-05-14 22:07
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- Coronary Heart Disease
- A healthy, well-balanced diet reduces teh risk of developing CHD because eating healthily helps to maintain a healthy weight, lower blood cholesterol levels, keep blood pressure within safe limits, prevent atherosclerosis
- Risk Factors
- Eating too much fat particularly saturated fat
- Eating too much salt can lead to hypertension
- Being overweight
- Too much alcohol can damage the heart muscle, lead to hypertension, and can also cause weight gain
- Lack of physical activity leads to the heart not being exercised as a muscle
- Smoking almost doubles a person's risk of heart attack as it damages the lining of the arteries allowing fatty deposits to build up there
- Family history of heart disease may increase risk
- Diabetes increases the risk of CHD. High blood sugar levels may affect the artery walls