Core Themes of Fascism
- Created by: powrieannie
- Created on: 09-06-16 10:04
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- Core Themes of Fascism
- Anti-rationalism
- Counter-enlightenment thinking
- Human reason is limited
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- People are more motivated by powerful emotions,"will" takes precedent over the rational mind
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Vitalism
- The purpose of human existence is to give expression to the 'life force'
- Anti-intellectualism
- Tendency to dislike abstract thinking
- Mussolini
- "Action not talk"
- "Inactivity is dead"
- Mussolini
- Intellectual life devalued
- Fascism addresses the soul, emotions and instincts
- It has a mythic appeal. Major thinkers were "propagandists" with the power to illicit emotional responses
- It has a mythic appeal. Major thinkers were "propagandists" with the power to illicit emotional responses
- Fascism addresses the soul, emotions and instincts
- Tendency to dislike abstract thinking
- Predominantly negative/destructive character
- Clearer about what it opposes than what it supports
- i.e. Nihilism
- Central values turned upside down rather than rejected
- Democracy => Dictatorship
- Freedom => Submission
- Progress => Struggle and war
- Clearer about what it opposes than what it supports
- Faith placed in history, culture and organic community
- Society shaped by innate loyalties and emotional bonds
- Strength of the nation is a reflection of its moral and cultural unity
- Hitler
- "Strength through unity"
- Hitler
- Strength of the nation is a reflection of its moral and cultural unity
- Society shaped by innate loyalties and emotional bonds
- Struggle
- Darwin
- Natural selection
- Human existence is based upon competition
- Struggle is a natural part of social and international life
- ONLY competition and conflict can guarantee human progress
- Struggle is a natural part of social and international life
- Fascists regard war and inherently good and honourable
- Mussolini
- "War is to men what maternity is to women"
- Mussolini
- good = strength, evil = weakness
- Elimination of the weak and inadequate is welcomed, people can be sacrificed for the common good
- Hitler
- Eugenics program (1939-1941
- Hitler
- Elimination of the weak and inadequate is welcomed, people can be sacrificed for the common good
- Life is an unending struggle
- Fascist thinking is often restless and expansionist
- National qualities can only be cultivated through CONFLICT and demonstrated through VICTORY AND CONQUEST
- Fascist thinking is often restless and expansionist
- Darwin
- Socialism
- Mussolini
- Previously a member of the Italian Socialist Party
- Nazi party: "national socialism"
- A cynical attempt to elicit support from urban workers
- Lower MC fascists had a distaste for large-scale capitalism, big business and financial institutions
- Socialist ideas were therefore prominent in grassroots movements such as the Brown Shirts/S.A.
- Fascism places the community above the individual
- The desire for wealth and profit runs counter to the idealistic vision of national regeneration or world conquest that inspires fascists
- Fascist regimes thus practised socialist-style economic policies designed to regulate/control capitalism
- The desire for wealth and profit runs counter to the idealistic vision of national regeneration or world conquest that inspires fascists
- Mosley: British Union of Fascists
- Fascism as an alternative to capitalism and communism
- Mussolini
- Ultranationalism
- Chauvinistic and expansionist nationalism
- Nations regarded as rivals in a struggle for dominance
- Aim to assert dominance of own nation over others
- Through expansionism, war and conquest
- Aim to assert dominance of own nation over others
- Intense and militant sense of national identity
- Nations regarded as rivals in a struggle for dominance
- The prospect of national regeneration and the rebirth of national pride
- Fusing myths about a glorious past with the image of a future characterised by renewal and reawakening
- Chauvinistic and expansionist nationalism
- Leadership & elitism
- Radical rejection of equality
- Deeply elitist and fiercely patriarchal
- Human beings are all born with radically different abilities and attributes
- Three types of people
- Supreme, all seeing leader
- Unrivalled authority
- "Warrior elite"
- Exclusively male, distinguished by it's heroism
- i.e. the ** in Nazi Germany
- Exclusively male, distinguished by it's heroism
- The masses
- Weak, inert, ignorant. Destiny is unquestioning obedience
- Supreme, all seeing leader
- Three types of people
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- "Ubermensch" - the 'over-man' or 'superman'
- An individual who rises above the 'herd instinct' of conventional morality and lives accordingly to his own will and desires
- This became a theory of supreme and unquestionable leadership
- i.e. Il Duce, Der Fuhrer
- These titles provide emancipation from any constitutional definition of leadership
- Charismatic leadership is potentially unlimited
- These titles provide emancipation from any constitutional definition of leadership
- i.e. Il Duce, Der Fuhrer
- This became a theory of supreme and unquestionable leadership
- An individual who rises above the 'herd instinct' of conventional morality and lives accordingly to his own will and desires
- "Ubermensch" - the 'over-man' or 'superman'
- Intermediate institutions such as elections are either abolished or weakened to prevent challege to leadership
- They have a monopoly of ideological wisdom
- A genuine democracy is an absolute dictatorship, as it promotes a single, indivisible public interest
- Radical rejection of equality
- Anti-rationalism
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