Types of convenience foods
- Created by: Phillipsfamily
- Created on: 13-04-17 14:42
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- Convenience Foods
- Foods that are processed and partly or totally prepared by a food manufacturer
- Types of Convenience Food
- Dehydrated
- Instant foods quickly prepared by reconstituting with water
- Mashed potato, custard, soups
- Foods requiring reconstituting and short cooking time
- soups, main meals, sauces
- Ingredients requiring addition of extra ingredients and liquid
- mixes for cake, batter, bread
- Instant foods quickly prepared by reconstituting with water
- Ready-to-eat
- sweet
- cakes, biscuits, fruit pies
- savoury
- meat pies, pasties. salads
- sweet
- Canned
- Foods requiring heating
- pasta or beans in sauce
- Foods requiring no cooking
- fish, custard, fruit
- Foods requiring some cooking
- vegetables, pies, meat
- Foods requiring heating
- Frozen
- ready to eat on thawing
- cold sweets
- ready to cook
- sausage rolls, fish fingers
- cooked and ready to heat
- fish in sauce, casseroles
- ready to eat on thawing
- Cook-chill foods
- Cooked to destroy food poisoning then quickly chilled
- fresh pasta meals, curries, fish pies
- Cooked to destroy food poisoning then quickly chilled
- Ready-prepared meals
- food cooked to destroy food poisoning
- stored at room temperature
- main courses, lasagne, bolognese, rice dishes
- stored at room temperature
- food cooked to destroy food poisoning
- Dehydrated
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