Anxiety Mind Map
- Created by: tattyhunt
- Created on: 18-11-14 13:46
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- Controlling Anxiety
- Types of anxiety
- trait anxiety:performer generally perceives situations as threatening.
- state anxiety:level of anxiety at a specific time
- competitive trait anxiety:performer generally perceives competitive situations as threatening
- Competitive state anxiety:level of anxiety during competitive situations
- cognitive anxiety: psychological responses
- somatic anxiety: physiological responses
- Cause of anxiety
- task importance
- losing, or fear of failure
- lack of self -confidence
- injury. or fear of being injured
- evaluation apprehension
- measuring anxiety
- ****
- questionnaire
- measures trait anxiety
- questionnaire
- distinguishes between state and trait anxiety
- CSAI-2
- measures cognitive and somatic anxiety and self confidence in competitive situations.
- self report questionnaire
- disadvantage: may not answer truthfully
- ****
- managing anxiety
- cognitive strategies
- mental rehearsal
- mental picture of a perfect performance
- external: seeing themselves completing the movement
- internal: creating the feeling of the movement
- Positive self-talk
- Negative thought-stopping
- Selective attention
- focus on relevant stimuli and ignore irrelevant stimuli
- mental rehearsal
- Somatic strategies
- progressive muscular relaxation
- biofeedback
- physiological data are generated using equipment e.g. heart rate monitors
- centering
- alongside controlled breathing
- breathing techniques
- cognitive strategies
- Goal setting
- types of goals
- process goals: focused on improving technique
- performance goals:judges the performance of the athlete against his/her own standards. Not a social comparison
- outcome goals: judges the performance of the individual against others and the end result.
- benefits of goal setting
- providing the performer with an aim/focus
- aid motivation
- increase confidence levels
- controlling arousal/anxiety levels
- focus efforts in raining and game situations
- principles of goals
- specific
- measurable
- agreed
- realistic
- time-phased
- exciting
- recorded
- types of goals
- Types of anxiety
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