Consultation and confrontation mind map
- Created by: hollygw
- Created on: 06-09-22 18:27
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- Consultation and confrontation 1930-42
- Why did the round table conferences 1930-32 fail?
- The first, second and third round table conferences, November 1930-December 1932
- Why did they fail?
- How far was a political compromise reached in the years 1932-35?
- India reaction to failure of consultation
- Communal award and Gandhi's response
- Yeravda pact
- Support and opposition in Britain for constitutional change
- To what extent did the Government of India Act impact on Indian and British politics?
- Partial implementation of the Act
- Outcome of 1937 elections
- How did Muslim League revitalise itself?
- Congress divided against itself
- Attitudes towards the British Raj
- How united was India's reaction to the outbreak of WW2 in 1939?
- How did Congress and Muslim League react to war?
- Lahore resolution March 1940
- Nationalist reaction to the August offer
- Boss and the axis powers
- Conclusion
- Why did the round table conferences 1930-32 fail?
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