Constitutional Reforms
- Created by: lalalalalaiba
- Created on: 11-08-21 12:38
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- Constitutional Reforms 1997-2010
- Lords Reform
- removed 92 hereditary peers
- Impact
- Reduced the size of the Lords. made Lords more willing to challenge no party had majority. Ensured no party had majority control in the Lords.
- Electoral Reforms
- New voting system were introduced into newly created bodies and to the EU. Jerkins commissions established.
- Impact
- introduced alternative voting methods to the UK. showed these system could work in the UK. Did cause confusion where used. Nothing introduced for Westminster elections.
- Impact
- New voting system were introduced into newly created bodies and to the EU. Jerkins commissions established.
- Devolution
- some powers devolved from Westminster to bodies in: Scotland, NI, Wales, London. Rejected in the northeats
- Impact
- led to increasing independence of Scotland and the rise of the SNP. Limited impact in Wales. helped to promote peace and stability in NI, but not always successful.
- Limited impact in London. rejection in the NE ended attempets to bring devolution to English regions. Created the Wales Lothian question.
- Impact
- some powers devolved from Westminster to bodies in: Scotland, NI, Wales, London. Rejected in the northeats
- The Human Rights Act
- Codified the ECHR into statue law. replaced much of common law. turned negative rights into positive rights.
- impact
- Made it easier for people to defend their rights in the UK. Increased the power of the judiciary. Restricted Parliament's ability to pass laws. Led to conflict between Parliament and the judiciary.
- impact
- Codified the ECHR into statue law. replaced much of common law. turned negative rights into positive rights.
- The Supreme Court
- The Constitutional Reform Act, 2005, created and independent Supreme Court. Weakened the executive's power over appointments
- impact
- The judiciary became physically and legally independent. it increased the political neutrality of judges.
- impact
- The Constitutional Reform Act, 2005, created and independent Supreme Court. Weakened the executive's power over appointments
- Lords Reform
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