Conservation methods - Legal protection
- Created by: JasminePsych
- Created on: 08-04-18 15:05
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- Conservation methods- Legal protection
- Wildlife & Countryside Act (1981/84) - UK law protecting certain species and their habitats. Habitat protection & exploitation= illegal.
- e.g. SSSIs.
- e.g. bats cannot be disturbed or have toxic woodworm treatment chemicals in roofs where bats are.
- uprooting wild plants generally illegal.
- many mammals protected, e.g otters, dormice, shrews.
- Designated protected areas- restrict activities to protect habitats & communities of species.
- SSSIs, NNRs, SPAs, SACs, MNRs, Ramsar sites. (UK).
- International Whaling Commission (IWC) - organisation controlling (not banning) whaling. Aim= for whaling to be sustainable
- limits numbers & sizes of whales taken
- designating whale sanctuaries
- protects suckling mothers and calves
- research
- total protection of certain species
- CITES= (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) International agreement regulating trade of endangered species
- EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) - ensure sustainable exploitation of fish resources.
- Failed due to inability to set appropriate quotas and prevent killing undersize fish.
- Ramsar Sites- wetland site designated to protect biodiversity.
- e.g. Minsmere in Suffolk or the Isles of Scilly.
- Wildlife & Countryside Act (1981/84) - UK law protecting certain species and their habitats. Habitat protection & exploitation= illegal.
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