Conscience OCR Ethics
- Created by: SerenM
- Created on: 16-01-18 11:30
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- Conscience
- Butler
- Human Nature
- see notes
- Natural Guide
- GOD GIVEN ability to REASON
- 'Our natural guide, the guide assigned to us by the author of our nature'
- Ultimate Authority
- the conscience should have ULTIMATE AUTHORITY over all our INSTINCTS
- 2 principles - self love + benevolence
- the conscience adjudicates between these 2 principles
- Evaluation
- We must listen to our conscience bc it is GOD GIVEN
- Human Nature
- Freud
- Key Terms
- Id
- Pleasure principle, driven by instincts - unconscious
- Ego
- the mediation between the id and the superego
- Superego
- Contradicts Id uses internalised ideals from parents and society to make the ego behave morally
- Id
- The Concept of Guilt
- Created by the superego, guilt causes wrongdoing - its a result of internal conflict in the mind
- The Presence of God
- No reference to God - religion causes the super ego to become over active
- Psychosexual Development
- Oral - 0-1 sucking Anal - 1-3 withholding + expelling Phallic - 3-6 masturbation Latency - 6-puberty absence of sexual motivation Genital - puberty-adult sex If not completed then leads to bad habits
- The Process of Moral Decision Making
- Conscience = culturally dependent
- Moral choices strike a balance between our desires and socially acceptable behaviour
- Unconscious mind (repressed) , preconscious mind (memories not readily available), conscious mind (current thoughts)
- Key Terms
- Aquinas
- Key Terms
- Ratio
- describes reason - everyone has it due to the concept tof 'imago dei'
- Synderesis
- To follow the GOOD and avoid EVIL
- Vincible ignorance
- A lack of knowledge for which a person is responsible and CAN be blamed
- Invincible ignorance
- A lack of knowledge for which a person is responsible and CANNOT be blamed
- Conscienta
- the process of a person using their reason to make moral judgements
- Ratio
- The Concept of Guilt
- Gods grace expels guilt - guilt occurs due to a breakdown in you relationship with God
- The Presence of God
- Knowledge leads us to the knowledge of Gods law - CONSCIENTA leads to closeness with God through grace
- The Process of Moral Decision making
- Involves the application of ratio, synderesis and conscienta
- Key Terms
- Butler
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