Cold War - Conferences
- Created by: lex_lex
- Created on: 18-06-13 16:25
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- Conferences
- The Teheran Conference November 1943
- Main Agreements
- Britian and USA agreed to open up a second front by invading France in May 1944
- USSR was to wage war against Japan once Germany was defeated
- United Nations set up after the War
- Area of Eastern Poland was to be added to the USSR
- About
- First conference of The Big Three - Russia, USA & Britian - Stalin, FDR and Chruchill
- Stalin got most of what he wanted - Rooseevelt was unwell & sided with Stalin instead of Churchill
- Strains in Grand Alliance
- Second Front Stalin annoyed that Britian and USA delayed opening a second front
- Churchill did not trust Stalin
- Main Agreements
- Yalta Conference February 1945
- About
- To discuss what was to happen to Europe after WW2
- Stalin, FDR and Churchill
- Stalin and Roosevelt shared a good relationship - Churchill felt isolated
- To discuss what was to happen to Europe after WW2
- About
- The Potsdam Conference July 1945
- Disagreements
- Soviets wanted to crush Germany whereas USA & Britian did not
- Free elections - Truman wanted, Stalin did not
- About
- Changes Happened - FDR died. Churchill was replaced. USSR ocupied E. Europe. Stalin refused to demilitarise the Red Army. America successfully tested the Atomic Bomb.
- Main Agreements
- Germany was demilitarised, democracy re-established. Nazi Party banned
- UN all agreed to take part
- USSR gained parts of Poland, Romaina and Czechoslovakia
- Poland boarder moved west to Oder & Neosse
- Disagreements
- The Teheran Conference November 1943
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