russian revision part 1

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  • Condition of Russia before the revolution Feb 1917
    • Economic and Social state of Russia
      • The social state of Russia was at an unrest, especially since many were against the Tsarists regime
        • The peasants-The jacquery (group of revolutionary peasants) They've harbard a whole raft of grievances dating back to their emancipation in 1861. They didn't have much to lose by uprising against the Tsarists Russia
        • Urban workers- resented the harsh conditions they were in and had a higher literacy level compared to the peasants so were able to articulate themselves (making themselves a bigger threat)
        • National minorities- Russian Empire imposed the policy of Russification which involved making all non-Russians use official Russian language stead of their own. It built up a lot of anger within this community.
      • Economic problems: Russia was economically backwards because the Russian economy did not have sufficient funds to invest in industrial development .
        • Couldn't produce enough surplus grain to raise the money necessary for industrialization. Also the majority of peasants did not have complete freedom and so couldn't be migrated to to towns and cities to fund the workforce needed for manufacturing industries.
        • Russia embarked on a programme of industrialisation called the 'Witte system' which developed a plan of economic growth
          • The impact of Witte's policies were dramatic. Coal,Iron and oil production all rose
    • Tsar and political authority
      • Nicholas felt he had to keep his enemies weak, to preserve his own authority. Constantly pitted them against each other, becoming suspicious of those who grew powerful.
      • The Tsar was the autocratic emperor of Russia in 1917 was Tsar Nicholas II, a member of Romanov dynasty that had ruled Russia since 1613
      • His reluctance to innovate combined with perpetual problems of state finance and disorganization brought by the many overlapping institutions of Tsarists government all helped weaken political authority
      • Wife introduced him to Rasputin. However, Rasputin’s influence over the Tsar began to interfere with government appointment, particularly after war.
    • Discontent in Russia
      • a lot of discontent was within opposing political parties
        • Socialist Revolutionaries: Populists who believed that peasants could develop their own form of socialism as a way to fight against capitalism
          • AIMS: wanted to create a revolution using peasants to overthrow the tsarists government and be replaced with a democratic republic
          • SUPPORT: They put their trust in and sought support from ordinary people
          • METHODS:Started with peaceful protests and then became radical- aimed to assassinate Alexander Tsar II
        • Social Democrats: A fraction in the Russian Socialist that emerged mainly known as the Mensheviks
          • AIMS: To lead Russia into a socialist revolution
          • SUPPORT: Led by Yuli Martov - They wanted a broad memberliship of anyone who supported the party aims
          • METHODS: Mainly peaceful protests
        • Bolsheviks : also social democrats- demanded SDs memberships should be limited to dedicated revolutionaries who would lead worker's revolutions.
          • AIMS: To also lead Russia into a socialist revolution
          • SUPPORT: Lenin wished dedicated revolutionaries would lead workers- so revolutionaries and workers (the proletariat- no the bourgeoisie !!)
          • METHODS: combo of peaceful and more violent methods
        • Liberals- Octobrists: accepted the Tsar ruling
          • AIMS: wanted democratic franchise 1905 +
          • SUPPORT: Associated with educated middle class
          • METHODS: peaceful
        • Liberals: Kadets- Radicals and similar to the Octobrists
          • AIMS: saw the October manifesto as the first step towards full parliamentary government- which at this time Russia didn't have
          • SUPPORT: Associated with educated middle class
          • METHODS: peaceful
      • Other factors causing discontent
        • Alexander III's Reforms
          • Russification-insistence on the universal use of the Russian language
          • organised pogroms (organised anti-Jewish attacks) often approved by the government
          • Restrictions placed on those elected to Zemsta- institution of local government
          • publication of manifesto- absolute power resided in the Tsar
        • Nicholas II abdicated to the throne
          • People were unhappy because there was unequal amount of money shared- he did not share his wealth
          • there were high levels of censorship and political parties were banned if they didn't support the Tsarists regime
          • Secret police (Okhrana) was introduced
        • In 1892,1889 and 1901 there were harvest failures- causing a widespread famine- by 1901 the Russian countryside .seemed to be on the verge of revolution
        • resentment from the public towards their autocratic country and how undemocratic it was since the Tsar had absolute power


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