Computing Revision
- Created by: wilsonmatthew2000
- Created on: 22-11-16 18:04
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- Computing
- Computer System
- A collection of hardware and software working together to produce a coded solution
- Three things all computer systems can do
- Process
- Input
- Ouput
- Data Integrity
- Data being accurate and consistent throughout its life reflecting what it means in the realworld
- De Facto Standards
- They ensure that things are the same across computer systems
- QWERTY Keyboard
- They ensure that things are the same across computer systems
- De Jure Standards
- Standards that must be adhered by law.They are universally accepted
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- Standards that must be adhered by law.They are universally accepted
- Proprietary Standards
- Decided upon by the company ensuring all their products work together
- Industry Standards
- Standards set by recognised non-commericial organisation
- Open Standards
- Not dominated by one particular group and are produced collaboratively so they can be used across many apps and pieces of hardware
- Not dominated by one particular group and are produced collaboratively so they can be used across many apps and pieces of hardware
- Central Processing Unit, main hardware within a computer process' are carried out here
- Fetch
- Decode
- Execute
- Cycles per second is the speed of F-D-E
- Central Processing Unit, main hardware within a computer process' are carried out here
- Internet
- International network of computers
- Cache Memory
- Memory that can be easily and quickly accessed b y the CPU
- RAM and ROM
- Virtual Memory
- Memory is stored here when the RAM is full
- Data currently in use stored in RAM
- ROM stores the boot sequence
- Secondary Storage
- memory used to store data after the computer has been switched off
- Virtual Memory
- Input
- Passes a control signal into a computer, triggers a process
- Output
- Presents a processed control signal from a computing device
- Operating system
- issues error messages, deals with user inputs and manages memory
- Utility Software
- Security
- Anti-virus
- Firewalls
- Spyware protection
- Effieciency
- Auto-updating
- Clean-up tools
- Disk Organiser
- Security
- Custom Written Software
- Software specially written for a specific customer
- Off the shelf software
- Can be brought off a shelf, boxed and installed to a computer
- Open source software
- Software that is available to the public for use to gain and develop knowledge
- Boolean Data Type
- Used when data is either yes/no or true/false
- Bus topology
- all nodes connected in series with terminators at each end to absorb excess data
- Cheap and easy to set up
- Data collisions so it is slow
- all nodes connected in series with terminators at each end to absorb excess data
- Star Network
- Each client is connected to a main switch/hub
- Fast, few data collisons
- More hardware needed, hard to set up
- Each client is connected to a main switch/hub
- Compression
- Lossless
- File size reduced by not storing repeated data
- Lossy
- Reducing file size by removing some unneeded data
- Lossless
- Machine Code
- Code understood by the computer and is in binary
- Iteration
- Instructions that are repeated until a condition is met
- Logic error
- An error in the code that does not cause the program to crash
- Ring Topology
- A ring network is a network topology in which each node connects to exactly two other nodes, forming a single continuous pathway for signals through each node - a ring
- If one part of the network breaks data will not be able to reach other nodes
- Less data collisions as it all travels in one direction
- A ring network is a network topology in which each node connects to exactly two other nodes, forming a single continuous pathway for signals through each node - a ring
- Computer System
- A ring network is a network topology in which each node connects to exactly two other nodes, forming a single continuous pathway for signals through each node - a ring
- If one part of the network breaks data will not be able to reach other nodes
- Less data collisions as it all travels in one direction
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