Computer generated images
- Created by: Alex Stephens
- Created on: 31-05-14 14:01
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- Computer generated images
- Used to create visual effects that wouldn't be possible using traditional means.
- CGI mixed with live action gives rise to some extremely dramatic effects but many films are not entirely computer generated.
- The techniques used to manipulate existing images are part of a stage called post-production.
- 3D modelling is the process of developing a wireframe representation of any 3D object using specialised software. The wireframe is then rendered with both colour and textures and lighting effects added.
- Textures allow 3D models to look significantly more detailed and realistic than a smooth plastic look.
- 3D models can be animated using a texhnique called 'keyframing', which involves creating key moments of change, known as keyframes.
- Often a skeleton is added to the 3D model to make it easier to manipulate movement and therefore animate.
- Textures allow 3D models to look significantly more detailed and realistic than a smooth plastic look.
- For even greater realism, motion capture is used.
- Motion capture involves a performer wearing markers near each joint to identify the motion by the positions or angles between the markers.
- The motion capture computer software tracks the movement of the markers and records the positions, angles and speed to provide an accurate representation of the motion.
- Motion capture involves a performer wearing markers near each joint to identify the motion by the positions or angles between the markers.
- Rotoscoping is another animation technique in which animators trace over live-action film movement, frame by frame, for use in animated films.
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