Computer Science Project:
- Created by: Hopkins9
- Created on: 12-06-19 12:49
View mindmap
- Log in System:
- Sign Up
- Requests email, password, username, (keyboard input)
- Password length and strength checker, has to fit certain criteria
- Begin a New Game
- Launch Level selection and Title screen
- Allow player to select from Menu
- Launch Level selection and Title screen
- Begin a New Game
- Password length and strength checker, has to fit certain criteria
- Requests email, password, username, (keyboard input)
- Fall Platformer
- Saving Data:
- Write data to file after each death screen. Level achieved and difficulty is the only thing saved.
- Saved to a database unique to each account
- Write data to file after each death screen. Level achieved and difficulty is the only thing saved.
- Enemies:
- Different enemies depending on the theme or season
- Fish/Murloc creature in the rain or storm
- Skeleton in the ice/frozen wasteland and castle themes
- Skeletons will swing swords in front of them in an AOE including one tile above them, making them difficult to kill
- Jumping on their head will kill them
- Just flops along in front of it, making contact with it damages you
- Jumping on their head will kill them
- Skeleton in the ice/frozen wasteland and castle themes
- Spikes, on the bottom of the level or obstruction certain pathways.
- Instant death when touched
- Fish/Murloc creature in the rain or storm
- Different enemies depending on the theme or season
- Puzzles:
- Block Puzzle:
- Control Room Puzzle:
- Enter Solution Here Puzzle:
- Lock and Key Puzzle:
- "Simon Says" Style Puzzle:
- Moon Logic Puzzle:
- Invisible Floor Puzzle:
- Wait Around Puzzle:
- Invisible Floor Puzzle:
- Moon Logic Puzzle:
- "Simon Says" Style Puzzle:
- Lock and Key Puzzle:
- Enter Solution Here Puzzle:
- Control Room Puzzle:
- Lights Out Puzzle:
- Block Puzzle:
- Saving Data:
- Request username and password
- User details are invalid
- Load Account
- Launch Level selection and Title screen
- Allow player to select from Menu
- Launch Level selection and Title screen
- Sign Up